Thursday, January 14, 2010

All in......

Ever have those days when you are just completely unmotivated, and do not even want to get out of bed?? Well for me today is one of those days, not even coffee or diet coke can get me going today...but there are so many great freebies out there today I dont want to not post so I am just gonna combine them all in this post..Sorry ahead of time it will be right to the point and short and sweet...I would like to mention sometimes there is a sample out of the bunch you can chance or just ignore..The Free candle(see below) to me seems too good to be true but I signed up for it anyway, I used to ignore offers like that thinking it will never come and I will get an email box full of spam...a few months ago I took a chance on a "to good to be true" offer and I actually recieved the item with no spam, since then I have signed up for a few more I wouldnt have before and only 1 of them I have NOT recieved...and still have yet to recieve and email box full of spam yet(knock on wood) It is up to you just wanted to let you know I havent bought anything from the company before and I want you to be aware of sign up at your own risk..I have signed up and I recieve the candle I will let you know...

Free Child safety Kit- HERE
Free Sample Clorox Greenworks- HERE
Free Kotex Sample Packs- HERE HERE and HERE
Free Sample Gold Bond Hand Sanitizer- HERE
Free Window Cling- HERE
*Free Candle- HERE
Free Samples Taster Choice instant coffee- HERE

Im sure there will be more to come..Keep checking back:)

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