Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lots of great Freebies!!!

Ok now lets talk Freebies! I dont know about you but I love to get free things in the mail..So i figured I would compile a list of the current great freebies that you can get right now...

Love Hallmark greeting cards? Head over here to pick up a free one!

Beachnut Baby food is giving away free beachnut starter kits when u sign up for their newsletter over here.

Do you own a cat? Then head over here to sign up to recieve a free sample of Fancy feast Appetizers for cats.

Trying to quit smoking? Here is a free sample of Nictoderm CQ Plus a $7 coupon Or over here for a free 20 piece Nicorette gum starter pack...

Need more fiber in your life? Fiber one will send you free samples plus $5 in coupons just sign up here

Love Burts Bees products? I do!! I was recently selected to try some of their new natural acne line and I love it! I loved it so much id love to give all of you a chance to try a sample of it! Just go here fill out the quick questions and they will send you one:)

There are so many more freebies...I will try to post some more later:)

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